kait (ayalreadyno)

professional doodler; sometimes artist.

Shops (misocarpone)

"Happiness" def

A short visual novel about memories, moving on, and the attempt to bridge between both.

Past Work

Starry Edelweiss (2017)

A silly but bittersweet story of two half-sisters whose paths are intertwined against their will.
May be reworked one day.

  • WEBTOON canvas

  • 8 episodes (unfinished)

The Tale of the Dreamscaper (2020)

Vague one-shot of a girl named Ayano who has found herself working alongside a mysterious figure in an unknown kingdom.
Originally planned to be longer - is now just a one-shot.

  • WEBTOON canvas

  • 1 episode (one-shot)

kait (ayalreadyno)

Hello!! My name is Kaitlyn (Kait) and I like drawing. I like to think of myself as a professional doodler. Currently trying to "adult" after graduating with a BA in Child and Adolescent Development.I'm mainly into Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon and OMORI, the latter being my better received fanart. I also create original work when I can.